第一章 单元测试
1、Which one does not belong to the scope of cognitive psycholoty.()
A:pattern recognition
C:working memory

2、Which of the following does not belong to the category of cognitive psychology research?()
A:Decision making
B:Thinking and concept formation
C:Intergroup threat
正确答案:【Intergroup threat】

3、From which of the following fields have experts been studied? ()
C:Stock brokers
Stock brokers

4、What’s the main dependent variable of cognitive psychology? ()
A:Reaction Time
B:Accurate Rate
C:Electrophysiological Index
正确答案:【Reaction Time
Accurate Rate
Electrophysiological Index】

5、Cognitive psychology is the study of how we know ourselves and the world, and how we acquire knowledge, store knowledge, and express knowledge.()

第二章 单元测试
1、Visual neglect of the parietal lobe lesion in the left hemisphere, in the underscore test.()
A:is only going to cross the left half.
B:just cross out half of the right-hand side.
C:is just going to cross the top half.
D:just cross the bottom half.
正确答案:【is only going to cross the left half.】

2、In the following four cognitive neuroscience research techniques, the most reflective of brain activity time processes is ().
A:scan technology
B:fMRI technology.
C:ERP technology
D:single cell recording technology.
正确答案:【ERP technology】

3、The brain areas includes? ()
A:Frontal lobe
B:Spinal cord
C:Occipital lobe
D:Temporal lobe
E:Parietal lobe
F:Island leaf
正确答案:【Frontal lobe
Occipital lobe
Temporal lobe
Parietal lobe
Island leaf】

4、The visual neglect of a patient’s damaged brain area is usually on the left side of the parietal lobe. ()

5、The Broca area is near the frontal lobe of the brain, and the Wernicke area is in the back of the cortex. ()

第三章 单元测试
1、When a stimulus is presented repeatedly until the research participant no longer responds to it, it is called: ()
A:counter conditioning
C:nonlinear activation
2、Which test is described as blood flow rates in the brain are evaluated by means of radioactive tracers? ()

3、 PET scans of experienced computer game players shows that their brains: ()
A:use more energy than a novice
B:use less energy in the left hemisphere than a novice
C:use more energy than a novice in certain areas, but about the same in others
D:use about the same amount of energy as a novice
E:use less energy than a novice
正确答案:【use less energy than a novice】

4、 Electroencephalograph (EEG) records electrical signals from the brain via electrodes placed on the: ()
B:ear lobes

5、Neuronal firing can be measured using: ()
A:transitory potentials
B:event-related potential recordings
C:impulse monitors
D:they cannot be measured accurately
E:chromic electrode implants
正确答案:【event-related potential recordings】

第四章 单元测试
1、We now think of subliminal perception as: ()
A:harmful to children
B:perception of stimuli that are above the psychological limen but are not conscious
C:not possible
D:the unconscious perception of weak or disguised stimuli
正确答案:【perception of stimuli that are above the psychological limen but are not conscious】

2、The sensory store associated with sound is called: ()
A:acoustic storage
B:auditory memory
C:echoic storage
D:iconic storage
正确答案:【echoic storage】

3、What does perceptual theory include ? ()
A:Constructive perception theory
B:Duaistic memory theory
C:Direct perception theory
D:Subliminal perception theory
正确答案:【Constructive perception theory
Direct perception theory】

4、what’s the illusory contours? ()
A:One class of illusion that illustrates the way the mind naturally organizes visual stimuli.
B:The visual illusory involves geometric illusion, color illusion and distance illusion.
C:Early visual cortical regions such as V1 V2 V3 V4 are responsible for forming illusory contours.
D:Visual illusions are useful stimuli for studying the neural basis of perception because they hijack the visual system’s innate mechanisms for interpreting the visual world under normal conditions.
正确答案:【One class of illusion that illustrates the way the mind naturally organizes visual stimuli.
The visual illusory involves geometric illusion, color illusion and distance illusion.
Visual illusions are useful stimuli for studying the neural basis of perception because they hijack the visual system’s innate mechanisms for interpreting the visual world under normal conditions.】

5、Top-down processing is primarily initiated by a hypothesis about the whole, which leads to its identification and subsequent recognition of the parts. ()

第五章 单元测试
1、What’s the true of Pattern recognition? ()
A:This a biological instincts of recognizing so many objects rapidly and accurately.
B:The perceptual theories include direct perception theory and Global workspace theory.
C:The direct perception holds that people “construct” perceptions by actively selecting stimuli and merging sensations with memory.
D:Pattern recognition involves a complex interaction between STM, LTM, and a cognitive search for identification off stimuli.
正确答案:【Pattern recognition involves a complex interaction between STM, LTM, and a cognitive search for identification off stimuli.】

2、Reading the letter ‘S’ in several different fonts, several of which have
not been seen before, contradicts what theory? ()
A:Gestalt theory
B:Feature analysis
C:Prototype theory
D:Template matching
正确答案:【Template matching】

3、According to Wertheimer, some patterns seem to be “naturally” organized. This is a principle of: ().
A:cognitive psychology
B:the physiology of the visual system
C:clinical psychology
D:Gestalt psychology
正确答案:【Gestalt psychology】

4、Which one is not the theory of pattern recognition?()
A:pattern recognition is to match stimuli with specific templates,just like keys and locks.
B:The stored representation is description of past Inputs in terms of list of attributes or features.
C:Some kind of abstraction of pattern is stored in memory.
D:pattern recognition is to choose a concept and compare it with stimulus.
正确答案:【pattern recognition is to choose a concept and compare it with stimulus.】

5、Canonic perspective views that best represent an object or are the images that first come to mind when you recall a form. ()

第六章 单元测试
1、In Treisman’s attenuation model, the selective filter is like a/an ( ) in effect. ()
A:amplifier for high frequency sounds
B:volume control making the stimulus louder
C:total silencer
D:volume control making the stimulus softer
正确答案:【volume control making the stimulus softer】

2、The focus of recent efforts in the study of attention and the human brain has been on: ()
A:evaluating how individual cells attend to various tasks
B:evaluating how attention resides in individual cells
C:finding the seat of the human soul
D:mapping brain areas with attentional processes
正确答案:【mapping brain areas with attentional processes】

3、Automaticity is evaluated by comparing single task performance with a dual task situation known as: ()
A:a divided attention task
B:a hidden observer task
C:an ear-switching task
D:dual task situation
正确答案:【a divided attention task】

4、To thoroughly understand the nature of the brain in attention it is necessary to consider the topics of: ()
A:awareness and consciousness
B:motivation and acquiescence
C:sensation and perception
D:wakefulness and sleep cycles
正确答案:【awareness and consciousness】

5、Consciousness is the realization of environmental stimuli and the cognizance of mental events. ()

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