第一章 单元测试
1、单选题:Which one is NOT the reason of the infection declined?()
A:introduction of public health
B:antimicrobial interventions
C:population increasement
正确答案:【population increasement】
2、单选题:() allow only certain bacteria to grow and suppress the reproduction of others. ( )
A:Antibiotics mediums
B:Selective mediums
C:Enrichment mediums
D:Indicator mediums
正确答案:【Selective mediums】
3、判断题:The shigellae is facultative pathogenic bacteria.( )
4、多选题:Antibiotic functions include ( )
A:inhibiting mRNA synthesis
B:inhibiting DNA replication
C:stopping protein synthesis
D:destroying cell membranes
正确答案:【inhibiting mRNA synthesis;
inhibiting DNA replication;
stopping protein synthesis】
5、多选题:The adaptive immunity involves ( )
A:mucosal immunity
B:organ immunity
C:humoral immunity
D:cellular immunity
正确答案:【mucosal immunity;
humoral immunity;
cellular immunity】
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