第一章 单元测试

1、判断题:Communication is a form of human behavior derived from a need to connect and interact with other human beings


2、多选题:Based on communication channels,belong to non-verbal communication

A:eye contact
B:body language
C:facial expressions
正确答案:【eye contact;body language;facial expressions;gestures】

3、多选题:Noise is a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including. Noise is inevitable

A:psychological noise
B:external noise
C:physiological noise
D:semantic noise
正确答案:【psychological noise;external noise;physiological noise;semantic noise】

4、多选题:Body language is not just about how we hold and move our bodies. It includes  and so on

A:Our facial expressions
B:Our closeness to and the space between us and other people (proxemics), and how this changes
C:How we position our body
D:How we touch ourselves and others
正确答案:【Our facial expressions;Our closeness to and the space between us and other people (proxemics), and how this changes;How we position our body;How we touch ourselves and others】

5、多选题:The stages of Culture shock include and Acceptance

D:Becoming Functional
正确答案:【Honeymoon;Disintegration;Reintegration;Becoming Functional】

6、判断题:For women, good communication means enhancing relationships; as for men, communication only means solving problems


7、单选题:In the conversation between Rita and Mike, which step Rita can do to help Mike understand her better?

A:Provide translation cues
B:Seek translation cues
C:Enlarge own
D:Suspend judgement
正确答案:【Provide translation cues】

8、判断题:Humor is a universal language in the world, regardless of region, culture and ethnicity, and does not require rules


9、单选题:The behavior of learning a language is _______________

A:a tool in the service of belief
B:a purely instrumental matter
C:a tool in the service of purpose
D: a public inheritance
正确答案:【 a public inheritance】

10、多选题:The conflict reflected between Mr. Philip and Mr. Wang results from __________

A:different behavior pattern
B:different thought pattern
C:different context culture
D:different cultural backgrounds
正确答案:【different behavior pattern;different thought pattern;different context culture;different cultural backgrounds】

11、多选题:Based on communication channels,belong to non-verbal communication

A:facial expressions
C:eye contact
D:body language
正确答案:【facial expressions;gestures;eye contact;body language】

12、多选题:Body language is not just about how we hold and move our bodies. It includes  and so on

A:Our closeness to and the space between us and other people (proxemics), and how this changes
B:Our facial expressions
C:How we touch ourselves and others
D:How we position our body
正确答案:【Our closeness to and the space between us and other people (proxemics), and how this changes;Our facial expressions;How we touch ourselves and others;How we position our body】

13、多选题:The stages of Culture shock include and Acceptance

D:Becoming Functional
正确答案:【Reintegration;Disintegration;Honeymoon;Becoming Functional】

14、多选题:The conflict reflected between Mr. Philip and Mr. Wang results from __________

A:different behavior pattern
B:different cultural backgrounds
C:different context culture
D:different thought pattern
正确答案:【different behavior pattern;different cultural backgrounds;different context culture;different thought pattern】

15、多选题:Based on communication channels,belong to non-verbal communication

A:eye contact
C:body language
D:facial expressions
正确答案:【eye contact;gestures;body language;facial expressions】

16、多选题:Noise is a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including. Noise is inevitable

A:external noise
B:physiological noise
C:psychological noise
D:semantic noise
正确答案:【external noise;physiological noise;psychological noise;semantic noise】

17、多选题:Body language is not just about how we hold and move our bodies. It includes  and so on

A:How we position our body
B:Our closeness to and the space between us and other people (proxemics), and how this changes
C:Our facial expressions
D:How we touch ourselves and others
正确答案:【How we position our body;Our closeness to and the space between us and other people (proxemics), and how this changes;Our facial expressions;How we touch ourselves and others】

18、多选题:The stages of Culture shock include and Acceptance

A:Becoming Functional
正确答案:【Becoming Functional;Honeymoon;Reintegration;Disintegration】

19、多选题:The conflict reflected between Mr. Philip and Mr. Wang results from __________

A:different context culture
B:different cultural backgrounds
C:different behavior pattern
D:different thought pattern
正确答案:【different context culture;different cultural backgrounds;different behavior pattern;different thought pattern】

20、多选题:Based on communication channels,belong to non-verbal communication

B:facial expressions
C:body language
D:eye contact
正确答案:【gestures;facial expressions;body language;eye contact】

21、多选题:Noise is a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including. Noise is inevitable

A:external noise
B:psychological noise
C:semantic noise
D:physiological noise
正确答案:【external noise;psychological noise;semantic noise;physiological noise】

22、多选题:Body language is not just about how we hold and move our bodies. It includes  and so on

A:Our facial expressions
B:How we position our body
C:How we touch ourselves and others
D:Our closeness to and the space between us and other people (proxemics), and how this changes
正确答案:【Our facial expressions;How we position our body;How we touch ourselves and others;Our closeness to and the space between us and other people (proxemics), and how this changes】

23、多选题:The stages of Culture shock include and Acceptance

B:Becoming Functional
正确答案:【Reintegration;Becoming Functional;Disintegration;Honeymoon】

24、多选题:The conflict reflected between Mr. Philip and Mr. Wang results from __________

A:different cultural backgrounds
B:different behavior pattern
C:different thought pattern
D:different context culture
正确答案:【different cultural backgrounds;different behavior pattern;different thought pattern;different context culture】

25、多选题:Based on communication channels,belong to non-verbal communication

B:facial expressions
C:eye contact
D:body language
正确答案:【gestures;facial expressions;eye contact;body language】

26、多选题:Noise is a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including. Noise is inevitable

A:physiological noise
B:psychological noise
C:semantic noise
D:external noise
正确答案:【physiological noise;psychological noise;semantic noise;external noise】

27、多选题:Body language is not just about how we hold and move our bodies. It includes  and so on

A:How we position our body
B:Our facial expressions
C:Our closeness to and the space between us and other people (proxemics), and how this changes
D:How we touch ourselves and others
正确答案:【How we position our body;Our facial expressions;Our closeness to and the space between us and other people (proxemics), and how this changes;How we touch ourselves and others】

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