见面课:商务写作语气的实现 Professional Tone in Business Writing

1、问题:Which sentence below shows an appropriate business tone?
A:This letter is to inform you that you will attend the upcoming mandatory meeting.
B:Because of recent declines in profits, no one will be getting a Christmas bonus this year.
C:You did not assemble the parts correctly, and so the product is malfunctioning.
D:We appreciate your attendance at the upcoming mandatory meeting.
正确答案:【We appreciate your attendance at the upcoming mandatory meeting.】

2、问题:Which sentence below does NOT show a positive tone?
A:The auditor will not be able to give us the information until he updates his records.
B:If you return the signed form within 10 days, we can help you with your account.
C:The policies are the same even though they said that they would revise them.
D:When we make our request in writing, Blanchard Corporation will provide us with the information.
正确答案:【The auditor will not be able to give us the information until he updates his records.】

3、问题:Which sentence below shows a you-attitude?
A:I have received your proposal within the deadline.
B:I would like to encourage you to consider applying for the job.
C: I would like to inform you that your input made a difference in our decision.
D:You can resubmit your application after 30 days.
正确答案:【You can resubmit your application after 30 days.】

4、问题:Which sentence below shows a confident tone?
A:The audit was performed by a certified accountant.
B:The president will give the top sales representative an award at the dinner this evening.
C:The report was written by George and was approved by the district manager.
D:All agenda items for the meeting were selected by the human resources department.
正确答案:【The president will give the top sales representative an award at the dinner this evening.】

5、问题:Which sentence below is an example of good business writing in standard English?
A:Although there are many challenges in today’s market and stock values have dropped considerably since last year, but we can hope to benefit from strategic thinking and careful decision making.
B:Children benefit from getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and playing outdoor.
C:Ortega’s memo stated in no uncertain terms that all employees need to arrive for work on time every day.
D:At any given point in time, well, there is a possibility that we could, like, be called upon for help.
正确答案:【Children benefit from getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and playing outdoor.】

第一章 单元测试

1、单选题:Which type of writing is being described in a letter to the governor explaining why the tax increase is a bad idea?()

2、单选题:Which type of writing is being described in a paper discussing the after-effects of a war?()

3、单选题:Which type of business writing is being described in a report Michelle wrote to share with her principal information she has accumulated regarding best practices for teaching Latin?()
A:informational business writing
B:persuasive business writing
C:instructional business writing
D:transactional business writing
正确答案:【informational business writing】

4、单选题:Which type of business writing is being described in an employment dismissal letter to an employee of poor performance? ()
A:persuasive business writing
B:informational business writing
C:transactional business writing
D:instructional business writing
正确答案:【transactional business writing】

5、单选题:What is the primary purpose of a persuasive essay?()
A:to change the audience’s position
B:to let those who feel differently than you know that they are wrong
C:to have a platform to give an opinion without facts
D:to present your point of view as the only one
正确答案:【to change the audience’s position】

6、单选题:Which genre does the picture stand for?()
C:business proposal
E:business letter
F:business report

7、判断题:The three basic functions of business writing are to inform, to influence, and to entertain. ()

8、判断题:The goal of a persuasive piece of writing is to convey information.()

9、多选题:Which statements are NOT true?()
A:Instructional business writing provides the reader with the information needed to complete a task.
B:Proposals are the documents outlining an offer of a product or service to a specific potential client.
C:Official letters, forms, and invoices are documents used to record business information.
D:Reports and minutes are the persuasive types of business writing.
正确答案:【Official letters, forms, and invoices are documents used to record business information.;Reports and minutes are the persuasive types of business writing.】

10、多选题:Which statements are true? ()
A:A genre consists of a format and a structure.
B:You can access many templates on the word processing software.
C:In businesses, written communication takes very similar forms.
D:A résumé is a brief document that summarizes your education, employment history, and experiences.
正确答案:【A genre consists of a format and a structure.;You can access many templates on the word processing software.;A résumé is a brief document that summarizes your education, employment history, and experiences.】

11、多选题:Which statements are NOT true?()
A:Instructional business writing provides the reader with the information needed to complete a task.
B:Reports and minutes are the persuasive types of business writing.
C:Proposals are the documents outlining an offer of a product or service to a specific potential client.
D:Official letters, forms, and invoices are documents used to record business information.
正确答案:【Reports and minutes are the persuasive types of business writing.;Official letters, forms, and invoices are documents used to record business information.】

12、多选题:Which statements are true? ()
A:A genre consists of a format and a structure.
B:In businesses, written communication takes very similar forms.
C:A résumé is a brief document that summarizes your education, employment history, and experiences.
D:You can access many templates on the word processing software.
正确答案:【A genre consists of a format and a structure.;A résumé is a brief document that summarizes your education, employment history, and experiences.;You can access many templates on the word processing software.】

13、多选题:Which statements are true? ()
A:You can access many templates on the word processing software.
B:A résumé is a brief document that summarizes your education, employment history, and experiences.
C:A genre consists of a format and a structure.
D:In businesses, written communication takes very similar forms.
正确答案:【You can access many templates on the word processing software.;A résumé is a brief document that summarizes your education, employment history, and experiences.;A genre consists of a format and a structure.】

第二章 单元测试

1、单选题:Which is the proven document-formatting technique?()
A:using Times New Roman or Arial
B:all the above
C:using white space
D:using signposting words or phrases
正确答案:【all the above】

2、单选题:Choose the sentence that is correct without adding a comma. ()
A:Vests which were once popular have been out of vogue for several years.
B:After a good washing and grooming the pup looked like a new dog.
C:He left the scene of the accident and tried to forget that it had happened.
D:He replied “I have no idea what you mean.”
正确答案:【He left the scene of the accident and tried to forget that it had happened.】

3、单选题:Which of the following statements is NOT true? ()
A:It is not acceptable to write an article or a report using only short sentences with commas and periods.
B:It is important for a writer to be consistent in using punctuation within a document.
C:A semicolon can be often used to separate words or phrases of any length.
D:People judge intelligence, professionalism, and competence based on grammar and punctuation.
正确答案:【A semicolon can be often used to separate words or phrases of any length.】

4、单选题:Which of the sentence is NOT correctly punctuated? ()
A:Since we moved into town, our fuel bill has tripled.
B:Usually, I have time to eat breakfast.
C:From outside the twelve-mile fishing limits off the coast of Maine, a strange phenomenon has been reported.
D:Having chosen nursing as a career Susan enrolled in many science courses.
正确答案:【From outside the twelve-mile fishing limits off the coast of Maine, a strange phenomenon has been reported.】

5、判断题:White space is reader-friendly, because wide margins make your writing easier for your readers’ eyes to scan.()

6、判断题:Professional writing presented in a standard way is expected and appreciated by business people.()

7、判断题:He did not however intend to return the money he borrowed.()

8、判断题:Saul having forgotten to save his work lost all of his revisions when his computer crashed.()

9、多选题:Select the correctly punctuated sentence.()
A:Spain is a beautiful country, the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
B:Spain is a beautiful country. The beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
C:Spain is a beautiful country; the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
D:Spain is a beautiful country: the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
正确答案:【Spain is a beautiful country. The beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.;Spain is a beautiful country; the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.】

10、多选题:Decide which of these sentences uses the hyphen correctly.()
A:I love eighteenth-century architecture.
B:He lived in the eighteenth-century.
C:He was fascinated by eighteenth-century history.
D:He had always been interested in the eighteenth-century.
正确答案:【I love eighteenth-century architecture.;He was fascinated by eighteenth-century history.】

11、多选题:Decide which of these sentences uses the hyphen correctly.()
A:He lived in the eighteenth-century.
B:He had always been interested in the eighteenth-century.
C:He was fascinated by eighteenth-century history.
D:I love eighteenth-century architecture.
正确答案:【He was fascinated by eighteenth-century history.;I love eighteenth-century architecture.】

12、多选题:Select the correctly punctuated sentence.()
A:Spain is a beautiful country, the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
B:Spain is a beautiful country; the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
C:Spain is a beautiful country. The beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
D:Spain is a beautiful country: the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
正确答案:【Spain is a beautiful country; the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.;Spain is a beautiful country. The beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.】

第三章 单元测试

1、单选题:Which of the following is NOT an element of good diction?()
A:Using specific, descriptive words.
B:Eliminating confusing words
C:Repeating yourself often to make a point.
D:Using interesting words.
正确答案:【Repeating yourself often to make a point.】

2、单选题:Which of the following statements about how to choose a level of diction is NOT true? ()
A:Dialect is specific words or phrases used in different contexts, professions, and trade.
B:Choose the level most appropriate for the audience you are writing for.
C:You may choose to use different levels of diction for various purposes.
D:Slang is an informal, nonstandard form of language which consists of newly created and rapidly changing words and phrases.
正确答案:【Dialect is specific words or phrases used in different contexts, professions, and trade.】

3、单选题:The company is planning to launch an important sales ()to promote their latest product.

4、单选题:In your essay on the influence of TV, don’t forget to discuss these.()
A:a brief chat
B:key issues
C:bright colours
D:a major problem
正确答案:【key issues】

5、判断题:A thesaurus is a word reference that gives word meanings, acceptable spellings, hyphenation, capitalization, pronunciation.()

6、判断题:Specialized dictionaries for business or other areas such as financing or accounting can be found on the Internet.

7、判断题:At an entry of most dictionaries, you can find the spelling, pronunciation, part of speech, definition, and synonyms. ()

8、判断题:A dictionary gives you a list of synonyms and antonyms.()

9、多选题:Which statements are true?()
A:Denotation is the emotional or cultural meaning attached to a word.
B:In some cases, the real meaning of some words resides in the mind of the user, the listener, or the reader.
C:The connotation of a word can be positive, negative, or neutral.
D:Connotation refers to the primary meaning of a word.
正确答案:【In some cases, the real meaning of some words resides in the mind of the user, the listener, or the reader.;The connotation of a word can be positive, negative, or neutral.】

10、多选题:Which statements are NOT true? ()
A:Diction in writing is the word choice.
B:Diction is important in creating the proper tone and style of a piece of writing.
C:For all written texts, formal diction is used.
D:When writing for an audience of varied intelligence, you should use more sophisticated diction.
正确答案:【For all written texts, formal diction is used.;When writing for an audience of varied intelligence, you should use more sophisticated diction.】

11、多选题:Which statements are true?()
A:The connotation of a word can be positive, negative, or neutral.
B:Denotation is the emotional or cultural meaning attached to a word.
C:Connotation refers to the primary meaning of a word.
D:In some cases, the real meaning of some words resides in the mind of the user, the listener, or the reader.
正确答案:【The connotation of a word can be positive, negative, or neutral.;In some cases, the real meaning of some words resides in the mind of the user, the listener, or the reader.】

12、多选题:Which statements are NOT true? ()
A:Diction is important in creating the proper tone and style of a piece of writing.
B:Diction in writing is the word choice.
C:When writing for an audience of varied intelligence, you should use more sophisticated diction.
D:For all written texts, formal diction is used.
正确答案:【When writing for an audience of varied intelligence, you should use more sophisticated diction.;For all written texts, formal diction is used.】

第四章 单元测试

1、单选题:Which is a dependent clause?()
A:Tim ran.
B:If I skip class.
C:Mrs. Smith spoke to the class.
D:The dog barked.
正确答案:【If I skip class.】

2、单选题:Pauline and Bruno have a big argument every summer over where they should spend their summer vacation. ()
A:Compound-Complex Sentence
B:Simple Sentence
C:Compound Sentence
D:Complex Sentence
正确答案:【Complex Sentence】

3、单选题:Bruno took the desktop computer that he uses at work, and Pauline sits on the beach with her laptop computer, which she connects to the internet with a cellular phone.()
A:Compound-Complex Sentence
B:Simple Sentence
C:Complex Sentence
D:Compound Sentence
正确答案:【Compound-Complex Sentence】

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