第一章 单元测试

1、单选题:All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT_____.

A: She bought herself a pair of new shoes.
B:  My friends all understand and support me.
C:  She liked her current job, teaching English.
D:  Only one problem still remains—-the food.
正确答案:【 She bought herself a pair of new shoes.】

2、单选题:Which of the following italicized parts indicates a relationship of linking verb and predicative? ________

A:China belongs to the third world.
B:They’ve put up a factory in the village.
C:I took the first place in the competition.
D:He became a famous pianist at the age of 15.
正确答案:【He became a famous pianist at the age of 15.】

3、单选题:Which of the following sentences has the “SVOA” structure?

A:Jerry showed me the way.
B:All the tourists seemed pleased at the dish.
C:He lived in Beijing.
D:I put the evidence in front of him.
正确答案:【I put the evidence in front of him.】

4、单选题:Which of the following sentences has an object complement?
A:You have done Peter a favor.

We elected him monitor of our class.

C:She is teaching children English.
D:I gave Mary a Christmas present.

We elected him monitor of our class.

5、单选题:Which of the following sentences has the “S+V+O” structure?
A: He died a hero.
B: She became angry.
C:I went to London.
D:  Mary enjoyed parties.
正确答案:【  Mary enjoyed parties.】

6、单选题:There used to be a petrol station near the park, _______?

A:usedn’t it
B:doesn’t there
C:didn’t there
D:didn’t it
正确答案:【didn’t there】

7、单选题:The students must hand in their essays in a week, ______? No, they _____.

A:mustn’t they…needn’t
B:mustn’t they…mustn’t
C:needn’t they…mustn’t
D:shouldn’t they…should
正确答案:【mustn’t they…needn’t】

8、单选题:Don’t forget to bring back my umbrella, ______?

A:do you
B:won’t you
C:will you
D:don’t you
正确答案:【will you】

9、单选题:I don’t think that he cares, ______?
A:does he
B:doesn’t he
C:do I
D:do you
正确答案:【does he】

10、单选题:The child ought to be forgiven, ______?
A:doesn’t he
B:didn’t he
C:ought he
D:oughtn’t he
正确答案:【oughtn’t he】

第二章 单元测试

1、单选题:What ___ the population of China? One-third of the population _____ workers here.

A:are; are
B:is; is
C:is; are

D:are; is
正确答案:【is; are

2、单选题:Every change of season and every change of weather____some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains.

A:     produces

B:     has produced
C:have produced
D:     produce
正确答案:【     produces

3、单选题:The Board of Directors ____ shaking ____ heads at the Chairman’s speech.
A:is… its
B:is… their
C:are… their
D:are… its
正确答案:【are… their】

4、单选题:Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT?  ______
A:Two dollars are missing from my wallet.

B:      Politics is the art or science of government.
C:          All the equipment has arrived undamaged.
D:The Alps covers an area of 200,000 square kilometers.
正确答案:【The Alps covers an area of 200,000 square kilometers. 】

5、单选题:Cathy, rather than her roommates, ____ to blame.

6、单选题:All of the cargo _____ lost.
C:are to be
D:is to be

7、单选题:As I have a meeting at four, ten minutes ____ all that I can spare to talk with you.
C: are
D: is

正确答案:【 is

8、单选题:When and where this took place                    still unknown.


9、单选题:We each _____ strong points and each of us on the other hand _____ weak points.

A:have; has
B:have; have
C: has; have
D: has; has

正确答案:【have; has】

10、单选题:Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT?  ______.
A:Peter, as well as his two sisters, is vacationing in Wyoming this summer.
B:His new teacher and friend are to be back from Australia.
C:Fish and chips is getting very expensive.
D:     The Stars and Stripes is their national emblem.
正确答案:【His new teacher and friend are to be back from Australia.】

第三章 单元测试

1、单选题:—“How did you pay the workers?”—“As a rule, they were paid       .”
A:by an hour
B:by the hour
C:by hours
D:by a hour
正确答案:【by the hour】

2、单选题:When we saw his face, we knew        was bad.
A:a news
B: news
C:some news
D: the news
正确答案:【 the news 】

3、单选题:I bought a pair of shoes        price.
A:half at the

B:at half the
C:the half at
D: at the half
正确答案:【at half the 】

4、单选题:birds can fly very high in        sky.
A:The; the
B:/; the
C:The; /
D:/; /
正确答案:【/; the 】

5、单选题:What        fun we had when we were at the seaside!
C: /
正确答案:【 /】

6、单选题:The boss made them work        day and        night.
A:a; a
B:the; the
C:a; the
D:/; /
正确答案:【/; /】

7、单选题:Take        medicine three times        day and stay in        bed.
A: /; the; a
B:a; the; /
C: the; a; /
D:a; /; the
正确答案:【 the; a; /  】

8、单选题:snow is white, but        snow there is not.

A:The; /
B:The; the
C: /; the
D:/; /
正确答案:【 /; the 】

9、单选题:His brother        yesterday.

A:hitted the boy in the face
B:hit the boy in his face
C:hit the boy in the face
D:hitted the boy in his face
正确答案:【hit the boy in the face】

10、单选题:Doctor Zheng often goes shopping before        supper.
正确答案:【/ 】

第四章 单元测试

1、单选题:All of the following participles (分词)functions as an attributive EXCEPT____.
A:A damaging earthquake occurred recently.
B:He is a person being rich in humor.
C:Did you hear the children screaming?
D:Is there anything interesting to tell me?
正确答案:【Did you hear the children screaming?】

2、单选题:The mother didn’t know who ____ for the broken glass.

A:to blame
C:would blame

D:be blamed
正确答案:【to blame】

3、单选题:All of the following participles (分词)function as an adverb EXCEPT_____.
A: He felt his heart beating wildly.
B:It’s an exceeding interesting novel.
C:It is burning hot today.
D: She is an amazing tall lady.

正确答案:【 He felt his heart beating wildly.】

4、单选题:In “I saw a thief stealing something”, the italicized part is _____.
A:a complement
B:an adverbial
C:an attribute
D:a predicate
正确答案:【a complement 】

5、单选题:___late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.

B:Having slept
D:To sleep
正确答案:【To sleep】

6、单选题:The students expected there____more reviewing classes before the final exam.

C:to be
D:have been
正确答案:【to be】

7、单选题:____ these pictures, I couldn’t help thinking of those days when I was in Beijing and ____ from the top of a thirty-storeyed building, Beijing looks more magnificent.
A:Seeing; seen

B:Seen; seen
C:Seen; seeing
D:Seeing; seeing
正确答案:【Seeing; seen

8、单选题:He has a room 5 meters long and 3 meters wide ______.

A:where to live in
B: which to live
C:in which to live in
D:in which to live
正确答案:【in which to live 】

9、单选题:Time _____, the celebration will be held as scheduled.

10、单选题:Agriculture is the country’s chief source of wealth, wheat ____ by far the cereal crop.

第五章 单元测试

1、单选题:Peter was sure he would get the job. Then a letter of refusal arrived which he certainly     .

A:would expect
B:had expect
C:has expected
D:had not expected
正确答案:【had not expected 】

2、单选题:When he came back he found his bicycle       .
A:had stolen
B:was stolen
C:is stolen
D:had been stolen

正确答案:【had been stolen

3、单选题:By the end of next year, they        three modern hotels there.
A:will built
B:will have built
C:will have been built
D:will be building
正确答案:【will have built】

4、单选题:I called you this morning, but nobody answered the phone. I wonder       .
A:where you have gone
B:where you went

C:where you have been
D:where you were
正确答案:【where you were】

5、单选题:You are expected to stay where you are until he        back.

A:will come
B:is coming
C:will have come

6、单选题:It     these books that had been stolen from the library.

7、单选题:If you     know, answer loudly so that all the class may hear.
C:will do

8、单选题:My wife    .
A:is forever criticizing me
B:has forever criticized me
C:forever criticizes me
D:was forever criticizing me
正确答案:【is forever criticizing me】

9、单选题:—“I’m going to play tennis.”—“It’s raining.”—“Okay, I     table tennis indoors, then.

A:am playing
B:am to play
C:am going to play
D:will play
正确答案:【will play】

10、单选题:Beth     California in 1981 and    in Texas ever since.
A:has left; has worked
B:left; worked
C:has left; worked
D:left; has worked

正确答案:【left; has worked

第六章 单元测试

1、单选题:Great changes        in China in the last few years.
A:were taken place
B:have taken place
C:to be taken place

D:have been taken place
正确答案:【have taken place】

2、单选题:that the burglars have been arrested by two police officers.
A:It is said
B:It said
C:That is said
D:It is saying
正确答案:【It is said】

3、单选题:The gym wants       , but it’ll have to wait until Friday.
A:be cleaned
D:being cleaned
正确答案:【cleaning 】

4、单选题:I feel it a great honour        to give a speech to you.
A:to invite
C:having been invited
D:to have been invited
正确答案:【to have been invited】

5、单选题:With the car       , he had to walk to the company every morning.

B:to be repaired
D:being repaired
正确答案:【being repaired】

6、单选题:This book is well worth       .
B:to read
C:to be read
D:being read

7、单选题:They were made        14 hours a day in the restaurant.
A:being work
B:to work
正确答案:【to work 】

8、单选题:In a chemical change, energy cannot be created,       .
A:so can it not be destroyed
B:either it cannot be destroyed
C:not it be destroyed
D:nor can it be destroyed
正确答案:【nor can it be destroyed 】

9、单选题:David, you are so lazy. This job        hours before.
A:must have been finished
B:should have been finished
C:should finish
D:could be finished
正确答案:【should have been finished】

10、单选题:into Chinese, the book is popular among the young people.
A:Having translated
B:Being translated
C:Having been translated
正确答案:【Having been translated 】

第七章 单元测试

1、单选题:If only the patient ______a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.

A:    should receive
B:were receiving
C:   had received
D:    received
正确答案:【   had received】

2、单选题:He was lured into a crime he would not _____ have committed.

3、单选题:_____ , he would not have recovered so quickly.
A:Had not he been taken good care of
B:Had he been not taken good care of
C:Had he not been taken good care of
D:Hadn’t he been taken good care of
正确答案:【Had he not been taken good care of 】

4、单选题:He left orders that nothing ________ touched until the police arrived here.
A:should be
B:must be
C:ought to be
D:would be
正确答案:【should be 】

5、单选题:It’s getting late. I’d rather you ___now.
B:are leaving
C:will leave

6、单选题:The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he ________ himself.
B:had injured
C:would injure

7、单选题:____ your timely help, he could have failed.

A:Had it not been for
C: For
D:If it were not for
正确答案:【Had it not been for 】

8、单选题:If your car ___ any attention during the first 12 months, take it to an authorized dealer.
A:should need
B:will need
C:would need
D:shall need
正确答案:【should need】

9、单选题:____, I’ll marry him all the same.
A:Be he rich or poor
B:Were he rich or poor
C:Was he rich or poor
D:Whether rich or poor

正确答案:【Be he rich or poor 】

10、单选题:_____ if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand?
A:Would you be surprised

B: Had you been surprised


Were you surprised

D:Would you have been surprised
正确答案:【Would you be surprised

第八章 单元测试

1、单选题:—“Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?”—“No, it        be him. I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.”

A:may not
C:must not

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